[default] element index

All elements
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Method __construct
XmlConfigurationReader::__construct() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Method __construct
PropertyChecker::__construct() in PropertyChecker.php
Method __construct
XmlContext::__construct() in XmlContext.php
Method __construct
XmlObjectTag::__construct() in XmlObjectTag.php
Method __construct
XmlSourceFilesReader::__construct() in XmlSourceFilesReader.php
Method __construct
PropertiesFile::__construct() in PropertiesFile.php
Method __construct
Factory::__construct() in Factory.php
Method __construct
ArrayContext::__construct() in ArrayContext.php
Method __construct
ClassChecker::__construct() in ClassChecker.php
Method __construct
Container::__construct() in Container.php
Method __construct
ContainerCache::__construct() in ContainerCache.php
ContainerCache constructor
Method __construct
ArrayConfigurationReader::__construct() in ArrayConfigurationReader.php
Method addConstructorArgument
Add item to objects constructor-arguments array
Method addObject
Reader::addObject() in Reader.php
Method addObject
ArrayConfigurationReader::addObject() in ArrayConfigurationReader.php
Start the proccess to add an object to the container
Method addObject
Container::addObject() in Container.php
Add object to array list
Method addObject
XmlConfigurationReader::addObject() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Start the proccess to add an object to the container
Method addObjectToContainer
Instance object and start adding to container
Method addProperty
XmlObjectTag::addProperty() in XmlObjectTag.php
Add item to objects properties array
Class ArrayConfigurationReader
ArrayConfigurationReader in ArrayConfigurationReader.php
Class ArrayContext
ArrayContext in ArrayContext.php
Class ArraySourceFilesReader
ArraySourceFilesReader in ArraySourceFilesReader.php
Page ArrayContext.php
ArrayContext.php in ArrayContext.php
Page ArrayConfigurationReader.php
ArrayConfigurationReader.php in ArrayConfigurationReader.php
Page ArraySourceFilesReader.php
ArraySourceFilesReader.php in ArraySourceFilesReader.php
Method cacheContainer
Cache container
Method cacheContainer
Start to cache the container
Method cacheObject
ContainerCache::cacheObject() in ContainerCache.php
Cache object
Class ClassChecker
ClassChecker in ClassChecker.php
ClassChecker validate the class defined in the xml file.
Class Container
Container in Container.php
Container manage the instanced and configured objects and add them to an array list.
Class ContainerCache
ContainerCache in ContainerCache.php
Class Context
Context in Context.php
Context define all the functions to be implemented in XmlContext Class.
Class Context_Factory
Context_Factory in Context_Factory.php
Factory class to instantiate all context types, is more like an utility class
Page ContainerCache.php
ContainerCache.php in ContainerCache.php
Page ClassChecker.php
ClassChecker.php in ClassChecker.php
Page Container.php
Container.php in Container.php
Page Context.php
Context.php in Context.php
Page Context_Factory.php
Context_Factory.php in Context_Factory.php
Method debug
Logger::debug() in Logger.php
log message in log file
Class Factory
Factory in Factory.php
Factory instance the defined objects from the xml file.
Page Factory.php
Factory.php in Factory.php
Method getArrayContext
Context_Factory::getArrayContext() in Context_Factory.php
Instantiates a new ArrayContext.
Method getClassName
ClassChecker::getClassName() in ClassChecker.php
Get classname from the class attribute
Method getObject
XmlContext::getObject() in XmlContext.php
Obtains the instanced object
Method getObject
Context::getObject() in Context.php
Method getObject
Factory::getObject() in Factory.php
Return a configured object retrieved from the container
Method getObject
ArrayContext::getObject() in ArrayContext.php
Method getObject
Container::getObject() in Container.php
Retrieve a configured object directly from the container
Method getObjectConfiguration
Method getObjectFromContainer
Start the proccess to retrieve an object from the container
Method getObjectFromContainer
Method getObjectFromContainer
Start the proccess to retrieve an object from the container
Method getObjectFromContainerCache
Get object from cached container
Method getObjectsDefinitionArray
start reading the xml file and searchs the defined object tags
Method getProperties
PropertiesFile::getProperties() in PropertiesFile.php
return all keys/values from container storage .data file in array format
Method getXml
XmlSourceFilesReader::getXml() in XmlSourceFilesReader.php
Method getXml
XmlConfigurationReader::getXml() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Open the file and return the xml
Method getXmlContext
Context_Factory::getXmlContext() in Context_Factory.php
Instantiates a new XmlContext.
Method includeFiles
IncludeManager::includeFiles() in IncludeManager.php
include source files when the container is cached
Class IncludeManager
IncludeManager in IncludeManager.php
Method initialize
Context::initialize() in Context.php
Method initialize
ArrayContext::initialize() in ArrayContext.php
Method initialize
XmlContext::initialize() in XmlContext.php
Initialize the xml reader object and starts to iterate over the file(s)
Method instanceContainer
Instance a container object
Page IncludeManager.php
IncludeManager.php in IncludeManager.php
Method isCached
ContainerCache::isCached() in ContainerCache.php
Checks if its cached
Method isContainerCached
Determine if there is an already objects container loaded in cache
Method isCorrectClass
ClassChecker::isCorrectClass() in ClassChecker.php
Checks if the class can be included or is a valid class
Method isImport
XmlConfigurationReader::isImport() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Method isObject
XmlConfigurationReader::isObject() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Instantiates a XmlObjectTag object and add it to the container
Method iterateFile
XmlConfigurationReader::iterateFile() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Iterates the xml nodes from the configuration file
Class Logger
Logger in Logger.php
Logger log functionality to show debug messages.
Page Logger.php
Logger.php in Logger.php
Page PropertyChecker.php
PropertyChecker.php in PropertyChecker.php
Class PropertiesFile
PropertiesFile in PropertiesFile.php
Method propertyCheck
PropertyChecker::propertyCheck() in PropertyChecker.php
Checks if it is a valid property and if it exists
Class PropertyChecker
PropertyChecker in PropertyChecker.php
PropertyChecker validate if the property is valid and if it has the proper getter and setter respective method.
Method propertyFormat
PropertyChecker::propertyFormat() in PropertyChecker.php
Search for a referenced property string pattern
Page PropertiesFile.php
PropertiesFile.php in PropertiesFile.php
Page Reader.php
Reader.php in Reader.php
Method read
Reader::read() in Reader.php
Method read
ArrayConfigurationReader::read() in ArrayConfigurationReader.php
Start reading the configuration array
Method read
XmlConfigurationReader::read() in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Start reading xml definition file
Class Reader
Reader in Reader.php
Reader functions to be implemented by reader classes.
Method setCacheLifeTime
Sets the container cache life time
Page XmlContext.php
XmlContext.php in XmlContext.php
Page XmlConfigurationReader.php
XmlConfigurationReader.php in XmlConfigurationReader.php
Page XmlObjectTag.php
XmlObjectTag.php in XmlObjectTag.php
Page XmlSourceFilesReader.php
XmlSourceFilesReader.php in XmlSourceFilesReader.php
Class XmlConfigurationReader
XmlConfigurationReader in XmlConfigurationReader.php
XmlConfigurationReader reads the xml file.
Class XmlContext
XmlContext in XmlContext.php
XmlContext used to instance the container from the application.
Class XmlObjectTag
XmlObjectTag in XmlObjectTag.php
XmlObjectTag represents the definition from the xml structure for objects.
Class XmlSourceFilesReader
XmlSourceFilesReader in XmlSourceFilesReader.php
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